GIU is an extraordinary place for learning, discovery and transformation. Here, you have the freedom to ask questions, challenge the ordinary and spark innovation. We seek out bright and curious minds with revolutionary ideas to create an empowering community of leaders and change makers.


The Programs at GIU offers dynamism, in depth knowledge, regulated counselling and plenty of research in the respective fields. The 4 to 5 years long program trains the students to analyze and solve the critical natured problems, and invokes the keenness, diligence and effective efficiency as the responsible citizens.

Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences
Abu Umara Medical & Dental College
1. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery MBBS (5 Years) F.Sc.(Pre-Medical)/HSSC / A-Levels or equivalent qualification Minimum 60% marks
MDCAT Minimum 55% marks
*Must have passed the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics in HSSC / A-Levels or equivalent Exam
School of Nursing
2. BS Nursing SEE MORE BSN 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical)/ Equivalent with minimum 50% marks GIU entry test/interview mandatory
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
3. MS Rehabilitation Sciences MSRS 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of Education, 5 Years DPT or BS Honors degree in relevant field from HEC recognized Institute with Minimum 2.5/4.00 CGPA. GIU entry test/interview mandatory
4. Doctor of Physical Therapy SEE MORE DPT 10 Semesters 5 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical)/ Equivalent with minimum 60% marks
Department of Public Health
5. PhD Public Health (New) SEE MORE PhPH 6 Semesters (3 Years) 18 Years of Education, MS/MPhil in Public Health & Allied Health or Equivalent degree from HEC recognized. Institute with minimum 3.00/4.00 CGPA. GIU entry test/interview mandatory
6. MS Public Health MSPH 4 Semesters (2 Years) MBBS, BDS (Registered with PMDC,) MD, BSc Nursing 04 Years (Registered with PNC), DVM (Registered with Veterinary Council), BSc Paramedics 04 Years, Pharm D/Equivalent (Registered with Pharmacy council), BS Public Health (4years degree), BS Physiotherapy/Equivalent BS 04 years’ degree in any health related program recognized by HEC with Minimum 2.5/4.0 CGPA or 60% marks in annual system . GIU entry test/interview mandatory
7. PGD Public Health PGPH 1 Year/30 Credit Hours 16 year education in Public Health/any Health Profession with minimum 2.5 CGPA GIU interview mandatory
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science
8. PhD Computer Science PhCS 6 Semesters (3 Years) 18 Years of Education in MS Computer Science/MS informatio Technology/MS Software Engineerning with CGPA 3.0/4.0. GIU entry test/interview mandatory
9. MS Computer Science SEE MORE MSCS 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of Education in BSCS/BSSE/BSIT/ Master of Computer Science/Master of information Technology/MSc Computer Science with CGPA 2.5/4.0 under semester system or 50% marks under annual system GAT (General)/GIU entry test/interview mandatory
10. BS Computer Science SEE MORE BSCS 8 Semesters (4 Years) 12 Years of Education, Intermediate (HSSC) examination, (Pre-Engineering)/ ICS, A-Level, DAE (computer) with mathematics/equivalent with minimum 50% marks Candidates having FSc (Pre-Medical) with minimum 50%marks are also eligible for admission but according to National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) of HEC such Student must pass deficiency courses of mathematics of 6 credit hours within one year
11. BS Software Engineering SEE MORE BSSE 8 Semesters (4 Years)
12. BS Artificial Intelligence SEE MORE BSAI 8 Semesters (4 Years)
13. BS Cyber Security SEE MORE BSCY 8 Semesters (4 Years)
14. ADP Computer Science SEE MORE ADCS 4 Semesters (2 Years)
15. ADP Artificial Intelligence SEE MORE ADAI 4 Semesters (2 Years)
16. ADP Software Engineering SEE MORE ADSE 4 Semesters (2 Years)
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmacy
17. MPhil Pharmacology SEE MORE MPPC 4 Semesters (2 Years) B.Pharm./Pharm.D./Equivalent based on admission test/GRE/GAT, interview and academic marks. Minimum CGPA for semester system should be 2.5 and 50% for annual system.
18. Doctor of Pharmacy SEE MORE Pharm.D 10 Semesters (5 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 60% marks
19. Pharmacy Technician (Category B) SEE MORE CATB 2 Years Matric with Science (biology, computer)
20. MPhil Biochemistry SEE MORE MPBC 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of Education, BS (4 Years) /MSc (2 Years) in Biochemistry or BS or MSc in equivalent field (Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Medical laboratory Technology/ Medical Laboratory Sciences/ Pathology/ Physiology/ Pharm D/ DVM/ BDS/ MBBS/ Physiotherapy, Dermal Sciences, Chemistry, Nutrition and Dietetics) with minimum CGPA 2.5 / 4.0 or equivalent marks GAT(General)/GIU entry test/interview mandatory
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
21. Bachelor of Law SEE MORE LL.B 10 Semesters (5 Years) 12 Years of Education, FA /FSC or GCE A-Levels/Equivalent with 45% marks Law Admission Test (LAT) by HEC is compulsory with 50% Score/Interview (Optional).
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Social Sciences and Management Studies
Green Business School
22. MS Management Sciences MSMS 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of schooling or 4 Year education (minimum 120 credit hours) or Equivalent in relevant discipline GIU entry test/interview mandatory
23. Bachelor of Business Administration BBA 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate / Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
24. BS Media and Mass Communication BSMM 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate / Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
25. BS Accounting and Finance BSAF 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate / Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
26. BS Aviation Management BSAM 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate / Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
27. BS Criminology BSCR 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate / Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
28. PGD Clinical Psychology PGCP 1 Year/30 Credit Hours 16 years of education In Psychology, Clinical Psychology or any other relevant field, 12 (minimum 120 credit hours) shall be required
29. BS Clinical Psychology BSCP 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate/Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
30. BS Psychology BSPY 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate/Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
31. ADP Clinical Psychology ADCP 4 Semesters (2 Years) Intermediate/Equivalent with a minimum of 45% marks
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Professional Health Technologies
Department of Optometry
32. BS Optometry SEE MORE BSOP 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical)/ Equivalent with minimum 45% marks.
33. PGD Optometry SEE MORE ADOP 30 Credit Hours (1 Year) Sixteen years of education or four years of education after HSSC/Grade 12 (minimum 120 credit hours) shall be required.
Department of Radiography and Imaging Technology
34. MS Diagnostic Ultrasound SEE MORE MSDU 4 Semesters (2 Years) MBBS, RIT, MIT, MID, BSN, DPT/Equivalent 2.5/4.0 CGPA is required.
35. PGD Radiography and Imaging Technology SEE MORE PGRIT 1 Year/30 Credit Hours MBBS, RIT, MIT, MID, BSN, DPT/Equivalent 2.5/4.0 CGPA is required.
36. PGD Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound SEE MORE PGMDU 1 Year/30 Credit Hours MBBS, RIT, MIT, MID, BSN, DPT/Equivalent 2.5/4.0 CGPA is required.
37. BS Radiography and Imaging Technology SEE MORE BSRIT 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 50% marks.
38. BS Medical Ultrasound Technology SEE MORE BSMUT 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 50% marks.
39. ADP Radiography and Imaging Technology SEE MORE ADRIT 4 Semesters (2 Years) Intermediate or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 45% marks.
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
40. PhD Nutrition & Dietetics SEE MORE PhND 6 Semesters (3 Years) 18 Years of Education, BDNS/BS/MS/MPhil in Human Nutrition and Dietetics / Food and Nutrition / Food Science and Technology or Equivalent degree from HEC recognized university with minimum 3.00/4.00 CGPA is required GIU entry test and interview is mandatory
41. MPhil Nutrition and Dietetics SEE MORE MPND 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of Education with 2.5 / 4.0 CGPA or 50% marks in annual system in the following programs: M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition (2 years) Doctor of Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences (5 Years) BS (Hons) Human Nutrition & Dietetics (4 Years) BS (Hons) Food Science and Technology (4 Years) BS (Hons) Agriculture-Food Technology (4 Years) GAT (General)/GIU entry test/interview mandatory
42. BS Nutrition and Dietetics SEE MORE BSND 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
43. BS Food Science and Technology SEE MORE BSFST 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
Department of Health Technologies
44. Ms Anesthesia Technology SEE MORE MSAT 4 Semesters (2 Years) Sixteen Years of Education in Anesthesia Technology, MBBS, Operation Theater, Emergency and Intensive Care, Surgical Technology with minimum 2.5/4 CGPA (minimum 120 credit hours) shall be required. GIU Test and interview is mandatory
45. BS Anesthesia Technology SEE MORE BSAT 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
46. BS Dermatology Technology BSDT - -
47. BS Aesthetics and Skincare Technology SEE MORE BSST 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
48. BS Operation Theater Technology SEE MORE BSOT 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
49. ADP Aesthetics & Skincare Technology SEE MORE ADST 4 Semesters (2 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology
50. BS Medical Laboratory Technology SEE MORE BSMLT 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate (Pre-Medical) / Equivalent with minimum 45% marks
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Fiqh-e-Islami and Shariah
Department of Islamic Studies
51. MPhil Islamic Studies MPIS 2 Years Programs 16 years of Education / MA/BS in Islamic studies with minimum second division or Equivalent from HEC recognized Institutions GIU entry test/interview mandatory
52. BS Islamic Studies SEE MORE BSIS 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate/ Equivalent with minimum 45% marks or Assanwia Alkhasa with equivalence certificate issued by recognized authority
Serial No. Program Title Short Title Duration Eligibility Criteria
Faculty of Languages and Humanities
Department of English
53. MS English Literature SEE MORE MSEL 4 Semesters (2 Years) 16 Years of Schooling or 4 Year Education in relevant discipline with minimum CGPA 2.5/4.0 or 50% marks in annual system GAT (General)/GIU entry test/interview mandatory.
54. BS English BSENG 8 Semesters (4 Years) Intermediate/ Equivalent with minimum 45% marks