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The following “Admission Policy”, approved by the Competent Authority, is hereby notified for implementation with effect from Fall 2022:
Not with standing anything contrary to the provisions of The Green International University (GIU) Act, 2020, the University shall offer following Undergraduate degree programs.
This policy described hereunder shall be called “The Green International University Admission Policy” and shall come into force for all the admissions of Fall-2022 and onwards.
Following undergraduate programs being offered are based on internationally recognized semester system of teaching and assessment.
Age limit for admission in undergraduate program is maximum 21 years.
On the recommendation of Admission Committee, the Rector may approve the relaxation in age limit where required on case to case basis.
a. A candidate has to apply for admission through online admission portal available at
b. Relevant information and application forms are available at
c. Applicants are encouraged to read the information carefully before filling up the online admission form
d. Basic requirements for a candidate to apply for online admission are as under:-
Personal email address
Personal mobile Number
Passport size photograph
Scanned copy of CNIC/Form-B (If CNIC is not issued)
Scanned copy of following documents
Certificate/detailed mark sheet of Secondary School Examination or equivalent certificate
Certificate/detailed mark sheet of Intermediate Examination or equivalent certificate
DAE certificate issued by the Board of Technical Education (if applicable)
Character certificate from last institution attended
Domicile certificate
Migration certificate (in case of Intermediate from Board other than Punjab)
The overseas candidate shall have to submit a copy of his/her passport along with the copy of father’s/guardian’s passport.
e. Processing fee (non-refundable) will be charged at the time of submission of 1st semester fee.
f. Applications with incomplete documents shall not be considered for admission.
g. The University reserves the right to refuse admission to any individual without assigning any reason.
h. A candidate shall not be entitled to claim admission as a matter of right even if she/he is otherwise eligible.
The result awaiting students are required to submit an undertaking at the time of admission that they will submit F.Sc. or equivalent certificate (within 10 days of declaration of result) fulfilling the eligibility requirement, failing which the admission will stand canceled.
Meeting eligibility criteria
Qualifying interview and admission test (where applicable)
The selection of applicant shall be on merit, determined on the basis of marks obtained in the last examination, entry test / interview (if any) and such other criteria as University may determine.
Payment of all dues for 1st semester.
Matric/O Level/Equivalent 10%
FSc/A Level/Equivalent 40%
Admission Test 40%
Interview 10%
Selected candidates are required to confirm their acceptance by depositing the prescribed fee
Initially, all admission in the University are provisional subject to the verification of the certificate/ degrees of the students
Applicants should be aware that the presentation of incorrect/false/forged/fraudulent information or document is a criminal offence and the university reserves the right to initiate legal action and cancel his/her admission at any stage.
The approved ‘Fee Structure’ is appended with this policy as annexure 1
Applicants should be advised to plan their financial obligations realistically before joining a particular program of study.
Students defaulting on payments within due dates may be suspended and/or debarred from attending classes and examinations until the clearance of dues in accordance with the policy of the University.
Comprehensive ‘Fee Policy’ is appended with this policy as annexure 2
a. Following “ Fee Refund Policy” of HEC is being adopted by the GIU:
i) %age of fee shall be applicable on all components of fee, except for security and admission charges.
ii) Timeline shall be calculated continuously, covering both weekdays and weekend..
b. Full fee of a student who is not promoted to next semester (for which the fee is paid) will be refundable.
c. Fee of the running semester will not be refundable if student is expelled / suspended due to disciplinary action(s).
a. As per its mission GIU invests in the personal, academic and professional growth of students. This investment requires a financial partnership between the university and students. GIU believes that no one should be deprived of getting education merely on the grounds of inability to pay.
b. Policy/criteria for award of “Scholarship” to eligible students is appended with this policy as annexure 3 and for “Financial Assistance”, the policy of Madinah Foundation will be followed.
A student registered in a program may be transferred to another program in the University (eligibility condition applies) with the permission of the concerned Dean/HOD and Registrar/Nominee within four weeks of commencement of classes only once. No extra fee will be charged on this change.
If a student freezes a semester (s) s/he will resume his/her studies from the same stage where s/he left (froze). No freezing during the semester will be allowed. The maximum duration of the degree program will remain the same.
If a student is not enrolled in any course in a semester, s/he will not be considered a regular student of university in that period. The student may then enroll in these courses in a subsequent semester; however, s/he will have to meet pre-requisites of any course taken. In addition, it is understood that the university is not required to offer all courses in each semester.
In special hardship cases, freezing during a semester is allowed with the prior permission of the Rector. Medical certificate must be duly signed by the University Medical Officer.
A student may discontinue his/her studies by seeking semester freeze prior to enrollment in the second/subsequent semester on medical grounds or circumstances beyond his/her control with written permission of the Head of the Department concerned subject to fulfillment of condition that the student has passed the final examination of the previous semester with minimum prescribed GPA/CGPA required for academic standard of the University to remain on roll. The student shall have to pay 10% of the tuition fee per semester for the freeze semesters.
If semester fee is deposited earlier for the freezed semester, the remaining fee after deduction shall be transferred to the next semester as may be prescribed by the University regulation.
A student who sought discontinuation of a semester shall have to get approval from the Head of the Department to rejoin the program before the commencement of the semester to be rejoined.
The duration of Freezing is one year; a candidate who gets a semester freeze can get readmission next year with upcoming session but hardship cases can be considered by the competent authority only.
Freezing of first two semesters for BS is not allowed.
Under following special hardship circumstances freezing of first semester can be considered by the approval of competent authority
Death in close family
Any other subject to acknowledgment on legitimized reasoning
If a student freezes a second or subsequent semester (s), s/he will retake admission in the same semester whenever offered by the University, however, the maximum duration of the degree program shall remain the same.
During the freeze semester, bona fide status of the student shall remain suspended.
If a student fails to attend any lecture during the first four weeks after the commencement of the semester as per the announced schedule, his/her enrolment/admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.
Admission of student shall be cancelled in case if
Presentation of false/forged/fraudulent information/documents (no re-admission shall be given)
Students did not submit their required documents within six weeks of the commencement of classes
Dues are not paid on the scheduled date
Defaulters of 100% fee in respective semester can be re admitted twice in an academic career on payment of re admission fee along with the outstanding dues as prescribed by the University
The Rector, on the recommendations of the Head of Department may allow migration/transfer of credits of students from HEC recognized institutions/ relevant accreditation bodies, to the University, provided that:
The institution concerned agree for the migration/transfer of credits of such a student;
Migration /transfer of credits cases shall initially be scrutinized by the Head of Department concerned.
A student must fulfill the required entry qualification of the program.
A student, who has been dropped out, rusticated, expelled, or whose entry in the parent institute was banned for any reason whatsoever at any time during his/her academic career, the case for transfer of credits shall not be considered.
Credits are transferred on course to course basis i.e. a person taking course A at University X is allowed to transfer his/her credits to University Y provided that course A is equivalent to course B taught at the Y University.
Courses with credit hours and course contents equivalent to the degree program, shall be considered for transfer.
Exempted courses along with their credit hours shall be displayed on the final/official transcript but their grades obtained from the parent institution will not be displayed. Such subjects will be marked as “Transferred Credits” (TR).
S/he has to provide NOC from the institution from where migration is required.
In instances of outward migration the condition tolerated by any institution is the transfer of credit hours.
In case of inward migration a candidate shall have to complete minimum 50% of the courses from The Green International University
No credit hours of a course will be transferred if the grade is less than C for undergraduate and B for graduate.